Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Making A Difference

As a designer it is always important to use my skills to help others and improve the world around me. Two design classmates and I got together last October to create something that would make a difference in the world.

Since it was near the end of October and near Halloween, we decided to create a device that could be used to distribute candy, one at a time. The device we created was efficient and able to preform
the function for which it was intended. The only thing that I would improve is the visual design of the box. Most people do not read sign and usually ignore them. Since many people fail to read signs, and usually ignore them, it would have been wise to convey the purpose of the device with photos or simple drawings. The words may not be necessary.

Here is the write up that the group did to explain our problem and solution.

Click On Image To Enlarge

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