Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quilt Pattern

In the process of creating my quilt pattern, I learned a lot about the different functions that Photoshop has to offer. I took normal pictures, nothing to special, and altered them in a way that no one could tell where the original image came from. Often times, I found myself not even being able to remember were they originated. After I experimented, altered, and messed around with different images and effects I, combined them all as one pattern. I cropped them, rotated them, rearranged them in a pattern, the end result was my finished quilt pattern.

Quilt Pattern

Individual Ideas

I feel that all the single images by themselves are interesting and I liked them quite a lot. However, when I put them together and made the quilt, I lost my fondness for the design. I think that when I was creating each individual image I was never thinking about making the individual images harmonize together, but I thought some of the images harmonized together but I thought it would look a whole lot better if I took out just one or two images and replace them with another image. That would change the look of things enough to make the images come together better in the quilt pattern. If I was to replace the rectangle shapes and just have the quilt pattern consist of triangles, it would fall nicely as one.

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