Saturday, April 10, 2010

Computer Sketch

This new sketch is something that I really enjoyed creating. It was not made in the traditional way, with pencil and paper, but with a computer and stylus. The product is called a WACOM Tablet. It is a large touch sensitive pad that transfers to the computer when you draw on the pad with the stylus. The pad is just as realistic as the traditional way, allowing the artist to have different line weights based on the pressure they use on the pad. The product is very useful if it is used in Photoshop because there are many different pen/pencil/brush tools that can be utilized to make the sketch one of a kind. The only down side is that it is a little tricky to use at first. Since the drawing and pad are two separate parts it is sort of hard to match up the stylus to the place that you want to start drawing again. This is only a problem for about the first five minutes, then it is really easy and fast to find that spot left off at. All together the WACOM Tablet is a great new inventions, that has opened a millions doors of possibilities that I might not have been able to create with traditional sketching. Below is the first sketch that I drew with the WACOM Tablet.

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