Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Interior Design Resume

This summer I hope to secure an internship with an interior design firm in the Portland/Vancouver area. I put together a little resume to show future employers my skills and experience. Since I am only a freshman in the interior design program, I do not have a whole lot of experience in the program. Everyone has started at this point in their career before, so I am not to worried about it being a negative aspect to my resume.
As a designer, I was able to make the layout of my resume more interesting than a ordinary resume, but stay professional all at the same time. I incorporated my logo into the layout of my design since my logo is a representation of myself. I took the human figure part of my logo, separated it from the rest, shrunk it down and used it as bullet points for each section. I feel that my resume is simple, but creative enough to catch the reader's eye and make it stand out against the rest. Below is my actual resume.

Click on image to enlarge

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